Zinny Zan
Lullabies for the Masses

Label: Wild Kingdom/Sound Pollution
Three similar bands: Easy Action/Shotgun Messiah/Zan Clan

Rating: HHHHHHH (2/7)
Reviewer: Daniel Källmalm
01. Hearbreak City
02. Bombs Away
03. It´s No Good
04. Heal The Pain
05. Nobody Gets Out Of Hear Alive
06. Welcome To The Show
07. Goodbye To Yesterday
08. The One


Zinny Zan - vox
Stefan Bergström - guitars
Martin Thomander - guitars
Hogge Calmroth - bass
Mr X - drums

City Boy Blues (2002)



Released 2022-05-20
Reviewed 2022-05-21

zinny zan at wild kingdom
wild kingdom

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So, we are given Lullabies for the Masses, lullabies for the masses of people that populate this world perhaps. It is from Zinny Zan, a guy who apparently have sold over a million albums worldwide and is known from bands like Easy Action, Shotgun Messiah, and Zan Clan. The cover of this second album under the Zinny Zan moniker doesn’t have the best of covers, and neither does it have the best of music. I wouldn’t buy it.

This feels like a commercial product where the label is hoping to make something on a known name rather than a great album. It is most typical rock or hardrock with some attempts at catchy songs and ballads. The production is most ordinary, the soundscape doesn’t awe or impress in any way, and neither does Zinny Zan’s vocal skills. I think the vocal performance is among the worst I have heard in the genre, was it a hope that the old achievements would sell records? A shameless thing where no one really cares about how it actually sounds as long as people buy the record, but who of those that have heard it will buy it? I certainly will not, and neither will others that have happened to hear it when I have listened to it – it is not often people comment on how bad something I listen to sound, but in this case it happened.

I don’t think you should bother with this one at all, best with albums like this is that they are never sold or listened to. They are best collecting dust as a reminder to the labels that good and creative music should be more important than anything else. These lullabies might lull you to sleep, but not a good sleep as Zinny’s terrible singing will give you nightmares about bad singers. But you cannot only blame Zinny or his band, where is the quality control from the label or others involved? How can such crap see the light of day, how could a label decide to put this on record? The only reason I can think of is that they believe that Zinny Zan’s past will make people buy the record, screw them when they realise that they have bought an awful one.

If you are a wise person you never bother with this crap. Flush it down the toilet if you have already bought it (or maybe it is better to recycle it). I’d say that Zinny Zan’s latest offering is terrible and should never have been made in the first place, it might not be the worst I have reviewed this year - but could be the worst release of the year.