Paul Folk – Strings / Vocals
Kasey Harrison – Drums / Vocals
Recorded at Oblivion Studios in MD
Released 2018-01-01
Reviewed 2018-01-27
Heavy fast and aggressive is the start and three of the five songs are fast paced grindcore songs. Then they vary that with slower more sludgy songs in the two other songs. It is short and to the point with just twelve minutes playing time over the five tracks with angry shouty or yelling screamy vocals – pretty boring vocals I think. Good thing is that the EP is quite varied for something of this particular style, and that is of course a positive aspect.
I can’t say that there is much I like about this EP, it is short and that’s a good thing but otherwise it is just a racket and noise. It is an EP of stereotypes and dull stuff and I can’t say that I find I particularly exciting. It is in the two longer and sludgier songs something a bit more positive happens but not even them are exciting and I must say that I remain unimpressed throughout the entire playing time.
Totally pointless EP is my view on this one. The songs are quite poor and dreary and in the end it feels like a waste of time to listen to this album. Perhaps it is to the liking of those who likes this kind of music, this is probably neither better nor worse than most of those albums. And in the end I can help but asking myself if anyone really likes stuff like this, because I cannot really find anything agreeable with this EP.