The music on ‘Travelling in Travel’ is a very schizophrenic mixture of characters. Almost every song feels as it comes from a different band or at least a different album. This might seem a little bit strange, especially since this is neither a best-of album nor a live album or anything in that fashion. This is the debut album from these French dudes and it probably makes them seem utterly inconsistent, or perhaps they appear to be geniuses, when they release an album like this first. Either way it definitely leaves many doors open for the future since they now hasn’t begun a path on which they have to follow or disappoint and annoy a lot of fans when going another direction. This leaves them with plenty of options and no one can say they have let anyone down since they haven’t really chosen a way to go and also an album like this will probably attract a very open minded audience, or members of many different hard rock directions.
For me to actually explain what this sounds like would be just as foolish as to describe a mammal it would be a long line of different descriptions which in the end would be just as schizophrenic as the songs on this album. So, what I will do is lean back in my armchair and say to everyone that this is okay to listen to, but that it is a wide mixture of hard rock with different character where some songs will speak to some more than other, and the other way around. But there is one thing that I can say leaves more to wish from throughout the entire album and that’s the sound (or the mix?). All too often this gets a little clattery and that’s a minus, but this in mind it still stays on approved all the way through.
As a last thing, I’d only like to say one thing: Does crocodiles cry?
Written on 11/19/08