Souls of Diotima

Label: Diotima Records/Rockshots Records
Three similar bands: Nightwish/Kamelot/Epica

Rating: HHHHHHH (4/7)
Reviewer: Daniel Källmalm
1. The Black Mask
2. Sleep Demon
3. The Princess of Navarra
4. Janas
5. The Dark Lady
6. Ichnos Superhero
7. My Roots
8. Maty
9. Mediterranean Lane
10. Sherden

Claudia Barsi - Lead Vocals
Giorgio Pinna - Drums
Antonio Doro - Bass, Scream Vocals
Fabio "The Black Mask" Puddu - Guitars

Maitri (2011)
What Remains of the Day (2012)
The Sorceress Reveals – Atlantis (2016)


Recorded, mixed and mastered by Oscar Nilsson at Crehate Studios in Mölndal (Sweden)

Released 2021-01-29
Reviewed 2021-03-17


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Some years ago I wrote about this band’s previous album The Sorceress Reveals – Atlantis, it was a decent album but not the most memorable one that I have heard. This new one has the better and shorter title Janas, and it has a pretty good-looking cover. It is their fourth album, the first one came a decade ago in 2011. It is claimed that their music is inspired by the Mediterranean and the sea in general, that sort of thing – things that lends itself to dramaturgy, and they do continue the story that they started on their previous album.

It is an album that follows in the same tracks as the previous one, if you have heard the previous album you will not be surprised by this one. It has less interludes and that sort of thing, but it is predictable if you compare with the previous offering. The production here is good, as is the vocalist, the female vocalist I might add for you who doesn’t know this band already. I would say that it is a quality production where they also keep the playing time sensible, and that is a good thing.

Not too much to complain about when it comes to this album, the songs are good and solid. But it isn’t a particularly exciting, or creative album, it works well, it is good to listen to but it doesn’t make a lasting impression. It isn’t a very memorable album. They do what they do well, but I think they need to risk more, to dare to venture into deeper water, you have to risk failure to allow for success and they don’t do that, they play it way too safe. Middle of the road, that is a good way to describe what we have here.

Going nowhere, I think that pretty much sums up this album. It is a good album, pretty enjoyable to listen to but it doesn’t make a lasting impression. It is probably good for those who enjoy the melodic and epic female fronted metal, but I wouldn’t count on it. And if you are into this genre there are better choices out there.